πŸ“ͺStellar NFT Minting Guide

NFT Minting Guide

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions on how to mint a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) on the Stellar Blockchain.

1. Account Setup

To mint an NFT on the Stellar blockchain, you will need two accounts:

  1. Issuer Account: This account represents the issuer of the NFT token.

  2. Leaser Account: This account represents the recipient of the NFT token.

These accounts need to be created and funded before proceeding with the minting process.

2. Change Trust:

This step is performed by the leaser. An account on Stellar can only receive an asset if they have provided approval for the asset by trusting the issuer. The transaction is signed by the LEASER_SECRET_KEY, and we are identifying our NFT as MYNFT:{ISSUER_PUB_KEY}. We are not setting any trust limit for now.

Note: Please replace {ISSUER_PUB_KEY} with your actual issuer public key.

3. Manage Data:

This operation is performed by the issuer account. This operation writes data on the issuer account which we can read on our client side. We are currently writing an ipfshash field, which is a convention followed by Stellar NFT platforms. The field value is the IPFS hash where NFT metadata will reside.

4. Set Clawback and Authorization flags:

As we need to revoke authorization from a user to spend their balance and even burn their balance, we need this step for the NFT token. This operation is performed by the issuer account.

5. Make Payment:

This is the final step in minting an NFT. It is performed by the issuer account, and it mints a balance of 1 stroop (0.0000001 XLM) for the leaser, identified by Destination. Please make sure the asset code and asset issuer ID are the same that we provided in earlier steps.

Mint Payment Token

Following the similar steps used for minting NFT, we'll create payment tokens. However, there will be some differences:

  1. New accounts will be created to hold Payment token and the Renter balance.

  2. Payment tokens will be minted for the renter.

  3. The number of tokens minted at the Make Payment step will be somewhere around 10-100000, depending on our requirements.

  4. We won’t need the Clawback and Authorization flags.

Last updated